Saturday, October 20, 2012

My New Creative Life

Welcome to my blog about my new creative life. I'm doing this to see how I've grown creatively or artistically. I hope to meet and be inspired by new artsy crafty people as well as the ones who have been doing this forever. 8 years ago I started having health issues. In the 2.5 years between April 2004 and August 2006, I had a baby and 3 surgeries, the last being a hysterectomy. I worked and took care of my family, even joined a Karate class. I never got back my normal "self". I didn't have my normal energy level, I hurt in places a 27, 28 year old woman shouldn't hurt. I went to my dr and she tested for everything, but mostly MS-Multiple Sclerosis. Several CAT scans, MRIs, eye exams, and vials of blood later, alas no MS. My brother has MS, so I was so thankful all tests were negative, but what now? Finally, my primary dr did the right blood test at the right time and found out I had Lupus! I couldn't work by then. My rheumatologist tried me on several drugs for treatment and I had allergic reactions to everything! Miserable! For a long time I was on so many meds all I did was sleep and go to drs offices.  I didn't know I couldn't think right until my youngest son made a comment that really got to me. It was something about how Mom never does anything with us. I stopped taking all my meds-Not Recommended! It worked for me, at least temporarily. I had been taking like 30 pills a day-rx and suppliments. I was in a brain fog and still don't remember much of that year. Now I see how much of my kids' lives I had missed. I still can't do what I used to do, and I pay for what I do physically.
One day I saw a pic of lady bug nail art online. I got red nail polish and a black nail art pen. I had never been able to draw, but little black dots seemed managable. I kept trying new things. My sister wanted bats on her nails for Halloween. My sister-in-law wanted a fall tree. I found out that I could use a sponge to get a different look. I used an old make up brush for thin lines. The Robin Moses site on youtube showed tutorials. I could use acrylic paint on nails! I found a small box of paints at Goodwill, acrylic and fabric puff paint for $2. One day my mom gave me the shoe box from her new boots-I've always liked reusing and repurposing things, especially since I no longer had a paycheck. I painted on the large shoe box. I only did this for practice as a fingernail is so tiny. Above is my first try.I was limited by my small selection of paints and brushes, but mostly by my lack of confidence. I started looking for tutorials and how-to videos on line. I stopped being self conscious and realized my first attempt might be terrible, but I'd never get better if I didn't try. Being an intellectual-how I used to describe myself- and a perfectionist, it really hurt to have to rely on creativity and theory rather than facts and figures. So this is my journey. I'm fostering my colorful right brain now as well as my 2+2=4 left brain. I still can't draw or do anything technically "correct", but I'm trying accept that and overcome the need for correct in all I do. I'm exploring all sorts of crafts and art, and trying new things. I've started an art journal and an upcycling project of old shutters I found for 50cents at Goodwill. Recycling is important and upcycling is fun. Join me in my journey. Offer ideas and inspiration. Maybe I'll be an inspiration to someone, wouldn't that be a blessing!